James簽下一個大案子,很開心,買了Pizza請辦公室裡的同事。當他把Pizza遞給外籍同事Sam時,Sam說,I'm on a cutting plan.

Cutting? 他要切pizza嗎?已經切好了呀,還要什麼計劃呢?猜猜看,Sam說的cutting plan是什麼意思?

I'm on a cutting plan.


On a cutting plan指正在進行一個減脂計劃。cutting是健身術語,指減少體脂讓肌肉線條更加明顯。

I am on a cutting plan right now, so I'm eating fewer carbs and doing more cardio.


I better get a cut of this deal.


這裡的cut是指「分紅」,get a cut也就是從某筆交易或協議中,獲得的一部分利益或收益,是常見的口語用法。來看例句:

I better get a cut of this deal—I came up with the original concept!


A:He gets a cut too?

B:Did he write any part of the song? Then yes, he gets a cut.

Cut it out.


Cut it或是cut it out是叫人停止某個行為,「住手、住口」的意思。


Cut it out! That’s really annoying.

Just cut it out! I've had enough of your time wasting.

Let's cut to the chase and discuss the main issue.


Chase原來的意思是追逐。Cut to the chase直接切到追逐,怎麼理解呢?

Chase在這裡原指電影中的「追逐場景」,追逐場面經常是電影的高潮部分,「cut to the chase」就成為了一個比喻,意思是「跳過不重要的部分,直接進入重點」,是商業討論上很好用的片語。

We don't have much time, so let's cut to the chase.

After discussing a lot of irrelevant details, she finally cut to the chase and told us what we needed to know.
