Tom在一家國際公司工作,早上剛進辦公室時,一桌子堆滿了文件。他的外籍同事Mike走過來,看著他說:Let's get this straight, we need these reports by tomorrow!


1.Get straight to the point


Get straight to the point指「直接到達重點」,也就是不繞彎子,直接說重要的事。在商業會議或討論時尤其常用。

Let's get this straight, we need these reports by tomorrow!

When I asked him about the project, he went straight to the point.

2.I like my Whisky straight.


Straight可以指酒是「純的、不加冰塊的」,也可以加一個up,用straight up。例句:

I’ll take my Vodka straight-up, please.


I'll have a neat Gin, please.

3.Straight face


Straight face指的是「故意板起的面孔、繃著臉」。

He managed to keep a straight face while telling a joke.

It's hard to keep a straight face when you are being tickled.

4.Straight shooter


Straight shooter指的是「直接說真話、直言不諱的人」,通常是正面稱讚。

I appreciate her being a straight shooter; she always tells the truth.

My boss is a straight shooter, which makes communication much easier.
