James和老闆談論可能爭取到的大案子,老闆叫他:“Take no chances.”「不要拿這個機會?」明明是大好機會,為什麼不要呢?


1.Take no chances.



Take no chances的chances是「冒險」。Chances這個字原來是「機率」,是機率,就有可能得或失,再一步延伸就成了「偶然」或是「冒險」。

偶然 ➜ They met by chance.(他們不期而遇。)

冒險 ➜ He took a big chance when he made the investment.(當時他投資時是冒了大風險的。)

Take no chances意思就是"prepare for everything possible",準備得周全、不疏忽、沒有僥倖心態。意思相近的用法還有Leave nothing to chance.

We planned for everything and left nothing to chance.(我們做好萬全準備,確保萬無一失。)

2.Take a chance/ take chances.



Take chances或take a chance剛好和take no chances相對,意思是「心存僥倖,冒險嘗試」。來看情境應用:

Look, I was willing to take a chance on your idea, but it didn't pan out. I'm not sinking any more money into it now!(聽著,我當初也抱著僥倖心理相信你的想法,但失敗了。 我現在不會再往裡面砸錢了!)

3.There is a good chance he’ll leave.



"There is a good chance…”是一個好用的句型,意思是「很有可能」,而不是「好機會」。從這幾個例子裡,我們可以看出chance的中文本意,是「機率」,講得是一種可能性、偶然性,而不是和期待、願望相關的「機會」。所以「把握機會」、「得到一個工作機會」人們盼望的機會要用opportunity:

He has been given a great job opportunity to work in the US.(他得到一個到美國工作的好機會。)

If you don't grab this opportunity, you might not get another one.(如果沒把握住這次機會,未必會有下一次。)

4.What are the chances?



這句話意思是「機率是多少?」實際上除了問發生機率,常被用來表示「太巧了」,「機率這麼低的事情竟然還發生」。還有一個常見的說法,意思一樣:What are the odds?

My childhood neighbor and I are neighbors again after 30 years. What are the chances?(時隔30年,兒時鄰居和我竟然再度成為鄰居,怎麼會這麼巧?)

Some man won the lottery and then did it again. What are the odds?(有人中樂透後又再中了一次。怎麼會有這種事?)

