Nancy去面試。面試官問他:What are your strong suits?她緊張低下頭看看自己今天的穿著,難道穿得不夠正式嗎?什麼是強勢的套裝?


1.Strong suit



Strong suit不是強勢的套裝,而是指「強項、專長」。比如有人請你幫忙一件事,你想拒絕,就可以說:

Sorry but that isn't my strong suit.(不好意思,這不是我擅長的事。)

再來多看一個例句:Patience is not my strong suit.(我不是那麼有耐心。)

有時候也會用long suit,意思一樣。

Foreign policy was the president's long suit.(外交政策是這總統的強項。)

2.Suit yourself




I don’t agree with you, but okay, suit yourself.(我不同意你的想法,但你想怎麼樣就怎麼樣吧!)

"I don't think I'll come to the party tonight."(我想我今晚不會去參加聚會。)
"All right, suit yourself!"(好的,隨你的便吧!)

3.Suit me right down to the ground



“Suit someone right down to the ground”是慣用語,意思是非常方便;非常合適。

Part-time work would suit me right down to the ground.(兼職工作非常適合我。)

A later meeting would suit me down to the ground.(晚一點開會對我來說方便多了。)

4.In your birthday suit



人都是赤裸裸地來到世間,出生穿的衣服,birthday suit,就是指沒穿衣服。

They were sunbathing in their birthday suits.(他們赤裸著身子在做日光浴。)

5.Suit vs suite



I picked out a black suit.(我挑了一套黑色西裝。)

也有「訴訟」的意思。經常和law連在一起用law suit。

He will bring a suit against his boss.(他要對老板提出控告。)


"Will that time suit?"(這時間合適嗎?)"It suits me fine." (很合適!)

"Do you mind if we stop by the bank on the way home?"(回家路上我想先去一趟銀行可以嗎?)
"Sure, suits me."(沒有問題。)

"Suite"是一個名詞,可以指「套房」:We live in a suite with a balcony.(我們住在一間有陽台的套房。)


I've ordered a new three-piece suite for the living-room.(我為客廳訂購了一套三件的新傢俱。)

